Today is the ACA filing deadline for recipient copies. All Applicable Large Employers and Third Party Administrators must mail their ACA information returns to eligible employees by today to remain...
Applicable Large Employers (ALEs) and Third Party Administrators (TPAs) it’s time to mail your employee 1095 Forms! If you are required to file an Affordable Care Act return to report...
As a business owner or HR professional, Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting is complicated enough. But, understanding the codes does not have to be with our last-minute guide “Understanding 1095-C...
Get ready guys, February’s here! And forget the stress of yesterday’s 1099 and W-2 Form deadline, we’ve got 1095 Forms to worry about! Being the shortest month of the year,...
So you’ve gotten everything in line regarding your Affordable Care Act compliance. You’ve even completely filled out and securely filed your ACA Forms 1094 and 1095 – and ahead of...