The Must Have “Metals” Of The Health Insurance Marketplace… About 49% of Americans have employer-sponsored health insurance and many of them work for Large Applicable Employers. However, that leaves about...
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is complicated. The ACA penalty process being initiated by the IRS is no exception. Employers receiving notifications (IRS letter 226-J) must respond...
Today is the ACA filing deadline for recipient copies. All Applicable Large Employers and Third Party Administrators must mail their ACA information returns to eligible employees by today to remain...
With another year gone the Affordable Care Act(ACA) remains intact meaning another round of reporting is upon us. With thousands of ACA Forms filed, we have learned a thing or...
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is complex. The ACA penalty process being initiated by the IRS is no exception. Employers receiving notifications (Letter 226J) must respond within...
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), unofficially referred to as Obamacare, is a US health reform law that was passed under President Barack Obama’s administration in March of...
President Trump gave his first State of the Union Address on Tuesday and mention the Obama era Affordable Care Act by stating “the individual mandate is now gone.” However, this...
While the individual mandate will be going away soon, we are all still required to file those forms this year. To clarify, despite the various changes to the Affordable Care...