Does the repeal of the Affordable Care Act individual mandate have you confused? Many employers are confused over their filing requirements and what they need to e-file ACA
Tomorrow is the last day to sign-up for open enrollment healthcare. If your employees need to sign-up for individual or employee health insurance plan now is the time.
Human resources is a complex and multifaceted position. Mistakes can easily happen, however, some human resource mistakes are more common than others. To help your business run smoothly
The role of human resources personnel is expanding beyond its traditional focus faster than ever before. To understand the human resources skills you will need for the future
Despite recent attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, it remains intact. Currently, you are still required to e-file by the March 31st deadline, so it’s a
As a human resources professional, you’ve had to deal with a unique set of record-keeping and IRS reporting challenges since the passing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Well, folks, with June coming to a close, we’re almost half-way through the year and still with no repeal or replacement for the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare).