What You Need to E-File ACA Forms This Year

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Does the repeal of the Affordable Care Act individual mandate have you confused? Many employers are confused over their filing requirements and what they need to e-file ACA forms this year. The GOP’s new tax bill does not entirely repeal the ACA/Obamacare. Currently, all obligations are still in effect for the 2018 tax filing season. Applicable Large Employers and Third Party Administrators are still required to track ACA compliance and provide ACA reporting for the 2017 fiscal tax year; anyone who fails to file will face ACA filing penalties. Here is what you will need to e-file ACA forms this year.

What You Need to E-File ACA Forms This Year

Preparing for ACA Reporting

Since the Affordable Care Act remains in place, Applicable Large Employers and Third Party Administrators must still provide and report their employees’ health insurance coverage for the 2017 fiscal year. The IRS has stated that all tax returns filed by individuals, not including the ACA required health care coverage information will be rejected.

All Applicable Large Employers must file Form 1095-C with the IRS and provide copies to employees by the deadline.

On December 22nd, the IRS has extended the deadline for providing 1095-C or 1095-B Forms to employees by 30 days.


The new 2018 deadline for supplying recipients with the correct ACA forms is March 2nd, 2018. However, the IRS has not extended the deadline for filing 2017 ACA information returns to the IRS. Employers who choose to e-file are required to submit information returns to the IRS by April 2nd.

Form 1095-C

Employees need the Affordable Care Act Form 1095-C, the Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information Returns, to help them complete their tax returns.

What is reported on Form 1095-C?

  • Employee ID Numbers
  • Social Security Number Of Employee and Dependents
  • Proof of Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC)

Form 1094-C

If this is your first year filing ACA Forms, you may be asking yourself what ACA Form 1094-C does… Form 1094-C serves as proof that Applicable Large Employers and Third Party Administrators were compliant according to IRS regulation and the Employer Shared Responsibility Mandate. As an Applicable Large Employer or Third Party Administrator, you must report information about whether you offered the affordable minimum essential health coverage and enrollment to all eligible employees.

Are you required to file ACA forms electronically?

By law, any Applicable Large Employers or Third Party Administrators fling more than 250 forms must file Affordable Care Act information returns electronically. If your business files less 250 forms, you can paper file, although the IRS highly encourages e-filing. Keep in mind that the Affordable Care Act reporting deadline for those paper filing is February 28th, 2018.

ACAWise Your Reporting and Compliance Solution

Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security. Despite the ongoing efforts to “repeal and replace” the controversial Affordable Care Act, it is still required by law and those who ignore their responsibilities will face severe consequences.

Choose ACAwise to handle your company’s ACA reporting and compliance. Getting started is easy, and, with volume-based pricing, you will get the best deal available! Explore all ACAwise has to offer with a free demo. Get to know one of our knowledgeable product managers and learn how we can help you smoothly file your 1094 and 1095 Forms.

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