Underlining the Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Its 14th Anniversary!

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Affordable Care Act turns 14

Fourteen years ago, on March 23rd, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as Obamacare. Since its implementation, the ACA has granted millions of Americans access to affordable healthcare that was once beyond their reach.

Now, let’s delve into the historical facts surrounding the Affordable Care Act.

The Affordable Care At – A Broad Overview

Though formally titled the Affordable Care Act, it quickly earned the nickname Obamacare. President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law on March 23, 2010.

The ACA achieved two critical goals: mandating health insurance for all US citizens and making healthcare more affordable for low-income households.

Implementing Subsidies Lowered Costs Further:

Despite the ACA providing more affordable health insurance options, many families still required assistance with their monthly bills. Consequently, the ACA provided subsidies to low-income families.

Several ACA subsidies reduced monthly premiums or offered tax credits. In certain cases, they alleviated upfront and out-of-pocket costs associated with health insurance, such as copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles.

Although the Affordable Care Act (ACA) faced initial challenges, it has progressed from early rejection to widespread acceptance since its inception. Thanks largely to the ACA, more Americans are now covered than ever before.

Eligibility Criteria under the Affordable Care Act

Despite the Affordable Care Act’s goal of increasing access to health insurance for all Americans, some qualifying conditions must be met. For the ACA to provide you coverage, you have to:

  • Be a lawfully present non-citizen, national, or citizen of the United States.
  • Not be covered by Medicaid.
  • Not to be covered under a parent’s or spouse’s health plan.

The Affordable Care Act’s Effects in 2024

The United States of America has woven the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into its national framework. Thanks to the President’s efforts to reduce healthcare costs, millions of Americans enrolled for coverage via the Marketplaces in 2024.

Currently, one in four Americans is covered by either Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Medicaid expansion has expanded access to preventative care, reduced economic inequality, and saved lives.

The ACA is vital for the health and financial security of millions of Americans. It encompasses not only coverage but also a wide range of protections and cost-saving measures that impact nearly every household in the nation.

Full-Service ACA Reporting Solutions from ACAwise

While we acknowledge the importance and impact of the ACA, it’s also essential to discuss the reporting requirements that employers fulfill each year as they strive to provide their eligible employees with affordable, reliable health insurance coverage

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), insurance companies, self-insured entities, and employers offering health insurance to their employees are required to file information returns with the IRS to report individual health insurance coverage. This process, commonly known as ACA Reporting, necessitates not only submitting these forms to the IRS but also distributing copies to the covered individuals.

Created in response to the Affordable Care Act, ACAwise is a full-service reporting provider. The experienced team at ACAwise manages the ACA reporting needs for organizations of any size and scope. The ACAwise solution includes data validations, the generation and e-filing of accurate Forms 1094-B/C and 1095-B/C with the IRS and state, complete ACA code generation, recipient copy distribution, past-year filing, and more.

Interested in learning more? Need a full-service solution to get caught up on the reporting process? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team!

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