Now that the dust is starting to settle from the results of the 2018 midterm elections, projections for what the 116th Congress could mean for key legislation is starting to...
Obamacare 2019 premiums are finally falling. CNN reports that the drop in the insurance premium is the first since 2014, when the Affordable Care Act exchanges opened. The insurance premium...
Between a new legal battle with the Wisconsin justice department (WI DOJ) and a finally perceptible market stabilization, Obamacare is back in the headlines. While lawsuits are at the heart...
Today is a big day for the Affordable Care Act. In a Fort Worth, Texas courtroom, attorney generals from both sides of the aisle are going to duke out whether...
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is complicated. The ACA penalty process being initiated by the IRS is no exception. Employers receiving notifications (IRS letter 226-J) must respond...
This time last year we were all watching anxiously as Washington discussed the possible “repeal and replace” of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). No matter what side of the debate...
Today is the ACA filing deadline for recipient copies. All Applicable Large Employers and Third Party Administrators must mail their ACA information returns to eligible employees by today to remain...
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has undergone several significant changes since the law was enacted in 2010. Many of these key updates include design changes, wellness program incentive, and...