The Federal Deadline Was Extended…But What About Your State Reporting?

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Mandated ACA filers everywhere are relieved that the IRS finally extended the deadline to distribute recipient copies of Forms 1095 for the 2021 tax year.

However, don’t let this feeling of relief distract you from your state reporting requirements if you have them. 

That’s right, the IRS extension of the recipient copy deadline to March 2, 2022, does not necessarily apply to your ACA reporting at the state level. Here is what you need to know going forward if you have insured individuals residing in these states. 

What States Require ACA Reporting? 

The following states have put in place an individual mandate and therefore require Applicable Large Employers and other insurance providers to complete ACA state reporting: 

Much like the IRS, these states require you to file with their agency and distribute recipient copies of the forms to all insured individuals. 

States that are Extending the Recipient Copy Deadline

A few of these states have extended their deadline in accordance with the IRS extension. These states include New Jersey and the District of Columbia. 

Required filers in both of these states will have until March 2, 2022, to complete, and mail their recipient copies of Forms 1095. 

States that are not Extending the Recipient Copy Deadline

As you can see, the majority of states that require filing are NOT extending the deadline to match the federal deadline. To maintain compliance with these states, the ACA forms must be completed a few weeks earlier. These states and their deadlines include: 

  • California: January 31, 2022
  • Massachusetts: Form 1099-HC is due by January 31, 2022
  • Rhode Island: January 31, 2020 (Please note: Rhode Island has extended the deadline for submitting copies with the state from January 31 to March 31st.)
  • Vermont: There is no recipient copy deadline on record at this time.

Need a State Filing Solution? ACAwise is here to help!

If state filing is something you don’t want to worry about, ACAwise is your best choice! ACAwise software is configured to automatically file to state agencies. 

The IRS recommends that you file electronically and some states flat out require it. With ACAwise you can e-file easily and accurately. Our clients take comfort in the extensive features and error checks within the ACAwise application. 

Reach out to an ACAwise expert today to get started on your state ACA reporting.

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